Monday, January 2, 2012

Mission 2012

Here is the information about Mission 2012

When June 24-29, 2012
Where St. Louis, MO
Cost $150

Please download information and forms here.  If you are unsure if you need to turn in an emergency info form or a photo release, please see Jessica.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hello From Colorado!

I'm taking just a moment to make a quick post.  We're having a great time at RMH.

I have started a playlist on YouTube of all the songs we've been singing this week.  Enjoy!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dinner Theater

We had our first meeting to plan the dinner theater/rehearse our lines tonight.  I (Jessica) am extremely proud of our students; most of them were early, and they all came up with AMAZING ideas of how to execute the par-tay, and how to make it just a fun evening for everyone involved.  I sent an e-mail out to all you parents with a few more details that I don't want to spill here, but here is a link to the rehearsal schedule.  Rehearsals are Wednesdays from 6:15-8:15 PM.  We will not rehearse the Wednesday before Easter, or the Wednesday before the show.  However, please note that we will have a long rehearsal on Sunday, May 1, to set up the sanctuary for the show, and have a dress rehearsal.

I have also added all rehearsal dates to the Google Calendar, as well as adding information about what is to be prepared at each rehearsal.  (If you can't see the rehearsal links in "Month" view, look at "Agenda" view.)  I will update our Google Docs space with flyers you can pass out to friends, etc, once those things are finalized.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Rocky Mountain Dates

Rocky Mountain High is July 23-27.  We will leave church on the 22nd and return on the 28th.

Money ($295) and paperwork is due to me NO LATER THAN FEBRUARY 7.  Last year I was a little lenient on dates, but I can't be this year because if we're late, we delay the church that we're teaming with in Iowa.

Download registration forms here and turn in pages 5 & 6.   Leave the church name space empty on page 5, and list me as your contact.  If you need my number, send me an e-mail or just leave it blank and I will fill it in.

Make checks payable to the church.  If you have a financial hardship, please don't hesitate to talk to me or Kevin; we want you to go if you want to go.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Here is the lowdown on T-shirts.  It'll be a black short sleeve and a black hoodie.  You can order just one or both, it's up to you BUT I need the money BEFORE we order shirts.  No money, no shirt, sorry.

Black Tee
S-XL $9
2XL/3XL $10

Black Hoodie
S-XL $15
2XL/3XL $18

The image will be:

Let me know on Facebook if you're interested.  I'll collect money on Monday, September 20 & 27 and will order them by the 30th.  Hopefully they'll be in by Six Flags time.  =)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bear With Me...

I'm working on making the site a little bit cooler.  The biggest thing I'm trying to figure out is the music player at the bottom of the page.  Thus far, there are only 2 songs loaded because I'm still trying to figure it out.  And all of the songs I would LIKE to have on there I can't find links to.  Anyway, if you have any requests of what to include, let me know.  Otherwise, I hope you'll be patient while I figure all of this out.  =)
